Collection | Daniell Papers |
Reference | GEO/ADD/44/35 |
Record Type | Correspondence |
Title | Letter from the Duke of Clarence to J.W. Daniell, written at Hanover |
Date | 20 November 1818 |
Writer | Clarence and St Andrews, William, Duke of |
Addressee | Daniell, J.W. |
Description | William apologises for the late reply; he was busy planning the ball he hosted the night before with great success. He confesses, again, his distrust of Allen and expresses the wishes that Daniell and Barton should talk to Padley about the Kitchen Garden at Bushy - William wants it to be ready for when he will be back living there, in a year time. William expresses the desire to have more servants and talks to Daniell about the present arrangement of town and country housekeeper. He wants Mrs Oak [main housekeeper] to send a list of a dessert service for 40 people. He approves of Coates' doing and wish John Hope and Jack Smith could be employed with partial assistance of the Parish. |
Place Of Writing | Hanover |
Language | English |
Extent | 1 document (3 pages) |
Physical Description | Loose manuscript paper; mounted |
Document Image | ![GEO_ADD_44_35.pdf](GetMultimedia.ashx?db=Catalog&fname=GEO_ADD_44_35.pdf&type=RecordThumbnail)
Level | Item |
Credit | All rights reserved |