Collection | George IV Private Papers |
Reference | GEO/MAIN/32759-32760 |
Record Type | Correspondence |
Title | Letter from the Reverend Richard Burgh Byam to [?Frederick Dawes Danvers] regarding the enlargement of Kew Church [St Anne's] |
Date | 4 December 1830 |
Writer | Byam, Richard Burgh, Reverend; Vicar of St. Anne's Church, Kew |
Addressee | [?Danvers, Frederick Dawes] |
Description | The Reverend informs the addressee that George IV donated £500 for the enlargement, but that the architect Mr Lawrence has since resigned. This resulted in the suspension of the enlargement and the Reverened states that he will contact the addressee when work recommences. The Reverend also thanks the addressee for the sum of £15.5.7. for the allowence and bounties paid to the vicarage of Kew. [With enclosures GEO/MAIN/32761-32763.] |
Place Of Writing | Kew |
Language | English |
Extent | 1 document (4 pages) |
Physical Description | Loose manuscript paper |
Related Material | For Frederick Dawes Danvers reply, see GEO/MAIN/32764. |
Document Image | ![GEO_MAIN_32759-32760.pdf](GetMultimedia.ashx?db=Catalog&fname=GEO_MAIN_32759-32760.pdf&type=RecordThumbnail)
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