Collection | Queen Charlotte |
Reference | GEO/MAIN/36662 |
Record Type | Correspondence |
Title | Letter from Queen Charlotte to the Prince Regent |
Date | 21 November 1813 |
Writer | Charlotte, Queen Consort to George III |
Addressee | George, Prince Regent |
Description | 'May every other Country follow the Example of Holland in recalling their Lawfull Sovereign, tho none can stand higher in my opinion than the Orange Family as they did not forsake their Country but were driven from it, they were the first that left their Country & it pleases Providence to restore it to them before all the rest of the Suffering Princes'; on a postponement of the visit of her brother. Signed |
Place Of Writing | Windsor |
Language | English, French |
Extent | 1 document |
Physical Description | Loose manuscript paper; mounted |
Document Image | 
Level | Item |
Credit | All rights reserved |