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EDY - Papers of Edward, Duke of York and Albany, 1759-1767
1 - Correspondence to and from Edward, Duke of York and Albany
1 - Letter from Prince Edward to [George, Prince of Wales] thanking him for his 'goodness towards' him during his recent visit
2 - Letter from Prince Edward to [George, Prince of Wales] informing him of his visit to Somerset
3 - Letter from Prince Edward to [George, Prince of Wales] regarding his visit to Wiltshire, Dorset, and Devon
4 - Letter from Prince Edward to [George, Prince of Wales] announcing his arrival at Mount Egecomb [Edgcumbe, Cornwall] from Exeter
5 - Letter from Prince Edward to [George, Prince of Wales] regarding the state of the British Fleet and the Devonshire Militia
6 - Letter from Prince Edward to [George, Prince of Wales] describing life aboard [HMS] Ramillies
7 - Letter from Prince Edward to [George, Prince of Wales] regarding Ferdinand [Duke of Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel's] victory [possibly at the Battle of Minden]
8 - Letter from Prince Edward to [George, Prince of Wales] congratulating his brother on the news from Portsmouth concerning [Frederick II] King of Prussia's victory against the Russians [possibly referring to the Battle of Kunersdorf]
9 - Letter from Prince Edward to [George, Prince of Wales] regarding viewing the defenses at Brest with Capt[ain Augustus] Hervey
10 - Letter from Prince Edward to [George, Prince of Wales] offering condolence that events concerning [Frederick II] King of Prussia are not as expected
11 - Letter from Prince Edward to [George, Prince of Wales] regarding the Toulon Squadron
12 - Letter from Prince Edward to [George, Prince of Wales] regarding sailing from Toulon to meet Sir Edward Hawke
13 - Letter from Prince Edward to [George, Prince of Wales] regarding preparations at Brest harbour
14 - Letter from Prince Edward to [George, Prince of Wales] regarding intelligence of Bombart and enclosing a list of ships at Morbian Bay [Gulf of Morbihan] under [Captain Robert] Duff's command [missing].
15 - Letter from Prince Edward to [George, Prince of Wales] regarding the British fleet
16 - Letter from Prince Edward to [George, Prince of Wales] regarding his stay at Plymouth
17 - Letter from Prince Edward to [George, Prince of Wales] regarding movements of the British Fleet
18 - Letter from Edward, Duke of York to [John] Cleveland
19 - Correspondence relating to Thomas Potter's accusation that George III fathered a child, named Augustus, with his late wife
1 - Letter from Edward [Duke of York] to George III enclosing a copy of a letter from the Duke to [Thomas] Potter with reply [GEO/MAIN/54284-54285]
2 - Copy of a letter from Edward, Duke of York to Tho[ma]s Potter, with reply [enclosure of GEO/MAIN/54283]
3 - Letter from [George III] to [Edward, Duke of York] regarding [Thomas] Potter's letter
20 - Letter from Edward, Duke of York to George III regarding [Louis XV] King of France and L[or]d Rochford
21 - Copy of a letter from E[dward, Duke of York] to [William Henry, Duke of Gloucester] requesting him to pay his last respects to the Royal Family
22 - Letter from Col[onel] St. John to [William Henry, Duke of Gloucester] informing him of [Edward, Duke of York's] death
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