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FAW - Papers of Frederick and Augusta, Prince and Princess of Wales
1 - Private papers of Frederick, Prince of Wales
1 - Volume of letters to Sir Thomas Bootle
1 - Synopsis of Contents
2 - Manuscript notes on the nature and provenance of the volume
3 - List of Contents
4 - Notes on the Duke of Somerset
5 - Letter from Frederick, Prince of Wales to the Duke of Somerset
6 - Letters between Lord Essex, the Prince of Wales and George II after the birth of Princess Augusta.
7 - Letter from Frederick, Prince of Wales to Queen Caroline expressing his regret on having upset her with his behaviour [on the occasion of the birth of his child].
8 - Letter from Frederick, Prince of Wales to George II regarding his recent behaviour
9 - Letters between George II, Queen Caroline, and Frederick, Prince of Wales, following the birth of the Prince's daughter, Princess Augusta
10 - Copies of Frederick, Prince of Wales' letters to George II and Queen Caroline after the christening of Princess Augusta Frederica
11 - Reply of Frederick, Prince of Wales to the address of the City of London
12 - Letter from George II to Frederick, Prince of Wales ordering him to leave St James's Palace following recent events
13 - Letter from Frederick, Prince of Wales, to the Duke of Somerset, recounting recent events between him and his father, George II
14 - Message from George II to Frederick, Prince of Wales, with answers
15 - Letter from Frederick, Prince of Wales, to the Duke of Somerset, concerning Judge Denton [Chancellor to the Prince]
16 - Letter from Frederick, Prince of Wales to Sir Thomas Bootle
17 - Letter from Frederick, Prince of Wales to Lord Carlisle
18 - Letter from Frederick, Prince of Wales, to Sir Thomas Bootle, on various matters
19 - Letter from Frederick, Prince of Wales, to Sir Thomas Bootle, concerning the recent behaviour of the Duke of Newcastle upon Tyne and Henry Pelham
20 - Letter from Frederick, Prince of Wales, to Sir Thomas Bootle, concerning political matters.
21 - Letter from Frederick, Prince of Wales, to Sir Thomas Bootle on political matters, including the imminent election of new members of Parliamentary constituencies
22 - Draft of message from Sir Thomas Bootle to Frederick, Prince of Wales, on political matters
23 - Letter from Frederick, Prince of Wales, to Sir Thomas Bootle concerning the election of new members of some Parliamentary constituencies
24 - Letter from Frederick, Prince of Wales, to Sir Thomas Bootle, praising him for his good nature and virtuosity.
25 - Letter from the Duke of Somerset to Sir Thomas Bootle sending his compliments to the Prince of Wales and the Earl of Bath
26 - Letter from Frederick, Prince of Wales to Sir T. Bootle
27 - Draft will of Frederick, Prince of Wales
28 - Letter from the Duchess of Marlborough to Sir T. Bootle
29 - Letter from the Duchess of Marlborough to Sir T. Bootle
30 - Letter from Lady Frances Seymour to Sir Thomas Bootle regarding clary wine
31 - Letter from Lady Charlotte Seymour to Sir T. Bootle
32 - Letter from Lord Falmouth to Sir T. Bootle
33 - Letter from Mrs George Fox to Sir T. Bootle about the election in Yorkshire
34 - Letter from Mrs George Fox to Sir T. Bootle
35 - Letter from Mrs George Fox to Sir T. Bootle and the draft of his reply
36 - Letter from Lord Bath to Sir Thomas Bootle
37 - Letter from Sir William Dudley to Sir T. Bootle
38 - Letter from the Duke of Somerset to Sir T. Bootle discussing political matters
39 - Copy of a letter concerning some verses from Sir T. Bootle to [?]Hon. John Spencer
40 - Letter from the Countess of Middlesex to Sir T. Bootle
41 - Letter from Sir Charles Wyndham to Sir T. Bootle
42 - Letter from Sir T. Bootle to Robert Nugent
43 - Letter from Robert Nugent to Sir T. Bootle
44 - Letter from the Duke of Somerset to the Earl of [Winchilsea]
45 - Letter from Sir Charles Wyndham to Sir T. Bootle
46 - Letter from Lord Bath to Sir T. Bootle
47 - Letter from the Duke of Richmond to Sir T. Bootle
48 - Letter from Henry Furnese to Sir T. Bootle
49 - Letter from the Duke of Richmond to Sir T. Bootle
50 - Letter from Lord Montagu to Sir T. Bootle about a contest for the election of a Bailiff for Midhurst
51 - Letter from Sir John Peachey to Sir T. Bootle about the election of a Bailiff for Midhurst
52 - Letter from Lord Winchilsea to Sir T. Bootle
53 - Letter from Lord Egremont to Sir T. Bootle
54 - Letter from Sir George Lee to Sir T. Bootle
55 - Letter from Lord Pulteney to Sir T. Bootle
56 - Letter from the Duchess of Somerset to Sir T. Bootle
57 - Letter from the Duchess of Somerset to Sir T. Bootle
58 - Letter from Lord Carlisle to Sir T. Bootle
59 - Memorandum about a case of expenses around the elections [in Cockermouth]
60 - Letter from Lord Derby to Sir T. Bootle
61 - Letter from Lord Derby to Sir T. Bootle
62 - Letter from Lord Derby to Sir T. Bootle
63 - Letter from Hon. J. Stanley to Sir T. Bootle
64 - Letter from Lord Derby to Sir T. Bootle
65 - Letter from Lord Derby to Sir T. Bootle
66 - Letter from Lord Derby to Sir T. Bootle
2 - Correspondence from, to and concerning Frederick, Prince of Wales and Augusta, Princess of Wales
3 - Papers of Sir George Lee of Hartwell from and regarding Frederick, Prince of Wales and Augusta, Princess of Wales
2 - Accounts of Frederick and Augusta, Prince and Princess of Wales
3 - Epitaph for Frederick, Prince of Wales
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