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GIII_CALENDAR - George III Calendar
1759 - Pre-accession papers
1760 - George III Calendar papers for 1760
1761 - George III Calendar papers for 1761
1762 - George III Calendar papers for 1762
1763 - George III Calendar papers for 1763
1764 - George III Calendar papers for 1764
1765 - George III Calendar papers for 1765
1766 - George III Calendar papers for 1766
1767 - George III Calendar papers for 1767
1768 - George III Calendar papers for 1768
1769 - George III Calendar papers for 1769
1770 - George III Calendar papers for 1770
1 - January 1770
2 - February 1770
3 - March 1770
4 - April 1770
5 - May 1770
6 - June 1770
7 - July 1770
8 - August 1770
9 - September 1770
10 - October 1770
11 - November 1770
1 - Letter from George III to Lord North on not assembling Parliament until the arrival of the 'Spanish messenger' , the appointment of a Chancellor, North's discussions with the Attorney General [de Grey]; and the appointment of Lord Dysart to the vacancy in the Sixteen [Elective Peers of Scotland]
2 - Letter from Lord North to George III that he is going to see Lord Mansfield and seeks and audience with the King, and his expectation that the Attorney General [de Grey] will accept the seals [for the office of Chancellor]
3 - Letter from George III to Lord North on an Audience
4 - Letter from Lord North to George III that he will attend the King after 6 o'clock and relate his discussions with Lord Mansfield and the Attorney General [de Grey] but that in the meantime Lord Mansfield has no objection to opening the next Session of Parliament
5 - Letter from George III to Lord North approving of the Speech and Address, and that Lord Mansfield is prepared to act as interim Speaker [of the House of Lords]
6 - Letter from Lord North to George III enclosing another copy of the proposed Address of the House of Commons with minor alterations
7 - Letter from George III to Lord North on attendance at the Cockpit the previous evening on the reading of the Speech
8 - Letter from George III to Lord North expressing his pleasure that the Address passed without any amendment, debates in the House, and on North's meeting with the Attorney General [de Grey]
9 - Letter from [Catherine the Great] to George III
10 - Letter from George III to Lord North on intelligence received from Paris, and on an audience with a Privy Councillor tomorrow
11 - Letter from George III to Lord North on the drawing up of an answer to the Address of the House of Commons
12 - Letter from Lord North to George III that the Common Council [of the City of London] have voted a bounty for every seamen entering the fleet, and that another address, petition, and remonstrance has been drawn up
13 - Letter from George III to Lord North on [the Common Council of the City of London], resignations, and appointments
14 - Letter from George III to Lord North enclosing an extract on Mr Justice [Michael] Foster's report concerning the legality of granting Impress Warrants
15 - Letter from Lord North to George III that Mr Seymour has postponed his motion, thanking him for the extract of Sir [Michael] Foster's report on impressing seamen, and the possibility to 'acquire not only Mr [Alexander] Wedderburn but all Mr [?George] Grenville's friends'
16 - Summons by George III to Lord North
17 - Letter from Lord North to George III that Lord Cornwallis will be at the Levée this morning to formally accept office, and that the Lords of the Cabinet have approved the answer to the Remonstrance with a few alterations
18 - Letter from George III to Lord North reporting on Lord Weymouth's meeting with the Spanish ambassador Prince de Masserano [Vittorio Ferrero Fieschi], and on augmenting the army
19 - Summons by George III to Lord North
20 - Letter from Lord North to George III reporting on events in the House of Commons
21 - Letter from George III to Lord North on passing the Corn Bill at the House of Lord tomorrow, and ordering him to report on his meeting with Mr Frances [Louis François de Monteynard] concerning Spain
22 - Letter from George III to Lord North asking for a report on Lord Suffolk
12 - December 1770
13 - Undated papers for 1770
1771 - George III Calendar papers for 1771
1772 - George III Calendar papers for 1772
1773 - George III Calendar papers for 1773
1774 - George III Calendar papers for 1774
1775 - George III Calendar papers for 1775
1776 - George III Calendar papers for 1776
1777 - George III Calendar papers for 1777
1778 - George III Calendar papers for 1778
1779 - George III Calendar papers for 1779
1780 - George III Calendar papers for 1780
1781 - George III Calendar papers for 1781
1782 - George III Calendar papers for 1782
1783 - George III Calendar papers for 1783
1784 - George III Calendar papers for 1784
1785 - George III Calendar papers for 1785
1786 - George III Calendar papers for 1786
1787 - George III Calendar papers for 1787
1788 - George III Calendar papers for 1788
1789 - George III Calendar papers for 1789
1790 - George III Calendar papers for 1790
1791 - George III Calendar papers for 1791
1792 - George III Calendar papers for 1792
1793 - George III Calendar papers for 1793
1794 - George III Calendar papers for 1794
1795 - George III Calendar papers for 1795
1796 - George III Calendar papers for 1796
1797 - George III Calendar papers for 1797
1798 - George III Calendar papers for 1798
1799 - George III Calendar papers for 1799
1800 - George III Calendar papers for 1800
1801 - George III Calendar papers for 1801
1802 - George III Calendar papers for 1802
1803 - George III Calendar papers for 1803
1804 - George III Calendar papers for 1804
1805 - George III Calendar papers for 1805
1806 - George III Calendar papers for 1806
1807 - George III Calendar papers for 1807
1808 - George III Calendar papers for 1808
1809 - George III Calendar papers for 1809
1810 - George III Calendar Papers for January - October 1810
ND - George III Calendar, undated and miscellaneous papers
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