Collection | Papers of Sir Herbert Taylor |
Description | GEO/MAIN/50401-50402: Catalogue of various manuscripts etc. belonging to the late Queen Charlotte, n.d. [?1819] GEO/MAIN/50403-50415: General Report to George, Prince Regent by Sir John Simeon and Major General Herbert Taylor, 2 December 1819 GEO/MAIN/50416: Statement of George III's Current Account with Messrs Drummond [November 1819] GEO/MAIN/50417: Increase and decrease in salaries, pensions, allowances etc. paid from George III's Privy Purse [November 1819], [Enclosure] GEO/MAIN/50418-50419: Lists of George III’s Jewels, 7 January 1819 [Enclosure] GEO/MAIN/50420-50427: Reduction of George III’s Establishment at Windsor following the death of Queen Charlotte [1819] GEO/MAIN/50428: 'Proposed Establishment of Medical Expenses', [?1819] GEO/MAIN/50429: 'Proposed Establishment of the future Medical Attendance upon His Majesty at Windsor,' [?1819] GEO/MAIN/50430-50431: 'Proposed Establishment of Officers and Servants for His Majesty's future Household at Windsor', [?1819] GEO/MAIN/50432: Expense of George III’s future household at Windsor, [?1819] GEO/MAIN/50433-50434: List of officers and attendants belonging to His Majesty's Establishment at Windsor whose services will no longer br required, [?1819] GEO/MAIN/50435: Proposed Establishment at Windsor, [?1819] GEO/MAIN/50435A: List of pensions paid to His Majesty's servants whose services have been discontinued, 1819 |