
Although the Royal Archives owns the physical documents featured on this site, the Royal Archives does not necessarily own the rights to a document's contents. Where third party intellectual property rights still exist, images of the affected documents are being withheld while reasonable searches are undertaken to locate and contact the relevant rights holder/s. If the document you wish to see has been withheld, please email your request with the document reference to [email protected].

Take down policy

The Royal Archives endeavours to use reasonable care when it makes content available online. If you would like to raise a concern about any material in Georgian Papers Online that you think infringes your rights, please contact us in writing, using the contact details below, with the following:

  • your name;
  • your contact details;
  • the identity of the content; and
  • the reason for your concern.

Please note that you may be asked to provide further information and/or supporting statements in relation to the content or your concern.

Contact details: Royal Archives, Windsor Castle, Berks, SL4 1NJ [email protected]

Following receipt of a notice of concern by the Royal Archives, the following procedure will apply:

  1. The Royal Archives will acknowledge the notice by email or letter and will make an initial assessment of the nature and validity of the issue.
  2. If, following our initial assessment, we consider the concern merits further investigation, the material will be temporarily removed from Georgian Papers Online whilst we try to resolve the matter.
  3. The Royal Archives will endeavour to resolve the issue swiftly and to the satisfaction of the complainant, with the following possible outcomes:
    • The material is replaced on Georgian Papers Online unchanged
    • The material is replaced on Georgian Papers Online with changes
    • The material is permanently removed from Georgian Papers Online
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