CollectionPapers of Ernest, Duke of Cumberland and Teviotdale
Record TypeCorrespondence
TitleCorrespondence to, from, and regarding Ernest, Duke of Cumberland and Teviotdale and Frederica, Duchess of Cumberland and Teviotdale, 1815
DateAugust-7 September 1815
DescriptionGEO/MAIN/47438-47440: Frederica, Duchess of Cumberland and Teviotdale to George, Prince Regent (French), 3 Aout [August] 1815, 1 document.
GEO/MAIN/47441-47442: Copy of a letter from George, Prince Regent to Ernest, Duke of Cumberland and Teviotdale, 16 August 1815, 1 document.
GEO/MAIN/47443: Copy of a letter from Frederick William III, King of Prussia to Queen Charlotte, Aout [August] 1815, 1 document.
GEO/MAIN/47444: Ernest, Duke of Cumberland and Teviotdale to George, Prince Regent, 24 August 1815, 1 document.
GEO/MAIN/47445: Ernest, Duke of Cumberland and Teviotdale to George, Prince Regent, 27 August 1815, 1 document.
GEO/MAIN/47446-47447: George, Prince Regent to Queen Charlotte, 23 August 1815, 1 document.
GEO/MAIN/47448-47449: Ernest, Duke of Cumberland and Teviotdale to George, Prince Regent, 31 August 1815, 1 document.
GEO/MAIN/47450-47451: Frederica, Duchess of Cumberland and Teviotdale to George, Prince Regent (French), 2 Septembre [September] 1815, 1 document.
GEO/MAIN/47452-47454: Lord Liverpool to George, Prince Regent, 2 September 1815, 1 document.
GEO/MAIN/47455-47456: George, Prince Regent to Lord Liverpool, [2 September 1815], 1 document.
GEO/MAIN/47457-47461: George, Prince Regent to Queen Charlotte [draft enclosure], [c.September 1815], 1 document.
GEO/MAIN/47462-47463: Lord Liverpool to George, Prince Regent, 3 September 1815, 1 document.
GEO/MAIN/47464-47465: Memorandum for a letter [?from George, Prince Regent] to Hereditary Prince of Mecklenburg Strelitz [enclosure], [c.September 1815], 1 document.
GEO/MAIN/47466-47467: Sir Benjamin Bloomfield to Lord Liverpool, [4 September 1815], 1 document.
GEO/MAIN/47468-47469: Lord Bathurst to George, Prince Regent, 4 September 1815, 1 document.
GEO/MAIN/47470-47472: Copy of a letter from Lord Bathurst to Ernest, Duke of Cumberland and Teviotdale, 4 September 1815, 1 document.
GEO/MAIN/47473: Copy of a letter from George, Prince Regent to Ernest, Duke of Cumberland and Teviotdale, 5 September 1815, 1 document.
GEO/MAIN/47474-47475: Sir Benjamin Bloomfield to Lord Liverpool, [5 September 1815], 1 document
GEO/MAIN/47476-47477: Lord Liverpool to George, Prince Regent, 6 September 1815, 1 document.
GEO/MAIN/47478-47479: Sir Benjamin Bloomfield to Lord Liverpool, 7 September 1815, 1 document.
Extent20 documents
Physical DescriptionLoose manuscript paper; mounted
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