CollectionPapers of Frederick, Duke of York and Albany
Record TypeCorrespondence
TitleAdditional Letters to, from and regarding Frederick, Duke of York and Albany, and Frederica, Duchess of York and Albany, [?1827-1832]
DescriptionGEO/ADD/6/67-67A: George IV's instructions regarding the disposal of articles left by Frederick, Duke of York and Albany (after his death) which cannot be sold (produced in the case Greenwood v. Taylor, 1832), 7 February 1827, 1 document.
GEO/ADD/6/68: Account of insignia orders held by Frederick, Duke of York and Albany (produced in the case Greenwood v. Taylor, 1832), [c.February 1827], 1 document.
GEO/ADD/6/69: List of swords etc. as valued by Mr. Christie (produced in the case Greenwood v. Taylor, 1832), [c.February 1827], 1 document.
GEO/ADD/6/70-70A: List of articles to be placed by George IV's orders at the disposal of Princess Sophia (produced in the case Greenwood v. Taylor, 1832), 17 February 1827, 1 document.
GEO/ADD/6/71: List of articles reserved from sale by George IV's orders and valued (produced in the case Greenwood v. Taylor, 1832), 14 February 1827, 1 document.
GEO/ADD/6/72: Case of Greenwood v. Taylor, [?1827-1832], 1 document.
GEO/ADD/6/73: Case against Frederick, Duke of York and Albany by Philip Hill, [1827], 1 document.
GEO/ADD/6/74: John Parkinson to Sir Herbert Taylor and Colonel Benjamin Charles Stephenson, 19 February 1827, 1 document.
GEO/ADD/6/75-75A: Samuel Baker & Sons to Sir Herbert Taylor and Colonel Benjamin Charles Stephenson [with enclosures GEO/ADD/6/76-77]; with covering paper, 23 February 1827, 2 documents..
GEO/ADD/6/76: Copy of a letter from Samuel Baker & Sons to Frederick, Duke of York and Albany [enclosure of GEO/ADD/6/75], 27 September 1825, 1 document.
GEO/ADD/6/77: Copy of an account of works done at the Stable Yard, St. James's [enclosure of GEO/ADD/6/75], [c.February 1827], 1 document.
GEO/ADD/6/78: John Parkinson to Sir Herbert Taylor, 26 February 1827, 1 document.
GEO/ADD/6/79: Memorandum from H. G. Gottermann, 8 March 1827, 1 document.
GEO/ADD/6/80-80A: Benjamin Dean Wyatt to John Parkinson [with enclosure GEO/ADD/6/81]; with covering paper, 17 April 1827, 2 documents.
GEO/ADD/6/81: Benjamin Dean Wyatt to John Parkinson [enclosure of GEO/ADD/6/80], 16 April 1827, 1 document.
GEO/ADD/6/82: Greenwood, Cox & Co. to Sir Herbert Taylor [with enclosure GEO/ADD/6/83], 20 April 1827, 1 document.
GEO/ADD/6/83-83A: Thomas Parke of Pelican Life Insurance Office to Sir Herbert Taylor and Colonel Benjamin Charles Stephenson [enclosure of GEO/ADD/6/82]; with note, 19 April 1827, 2 documents.
Extent20 documents
Physical DescriptionLoose manuscript papers; mounted
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