Collection | Clayton Papers |
Reference | GEO/ADD/28/135; GEO/ADD/28/015 |
Title | Letter [in French] from the Princess of Wales to Mrs. Clayton [GEO/ADD/28/135] reporting that Princess Amelia 'does nothing but turn & sweat much' and seems very ill, that she has been given 28 grams of 'gascoyne powder' in the hope that the sweating will 'throw out a rash', and that the Prince [of Wales, presumably] has ordered that she is not to be made to vomit, and requesting Mrs Clayton to ask 'your freind' [sic] [presumably Dr Freind] for his advice; with transcription in French and English translation [GEO/ADD/28/015]. |
Date | n.d. [presumed to be before 1727] |
Writer | Caroline, Princess of Wales (1683-1737) |
Addressee | Clayton, Charlotte, Mrs William |
Description | Princess Amelia has red spots around her eyes, has pain in her back, 'has great thirst without appetite', and complains that she is starting a fever. The physicians seem unsure: 'you see my dear Clayton what there is to hope from these asses'. |
Notes | The original letter is GEO/ADD/28/135. The French transcription and English translation are on two halves of GEO/ADD/28/015. Both documents bear the circled number '64', which shows the order in which the original letter was bound. |
Language | French; English |
Extent | 2 documents (4 pages, 2 for each document) |
Physical Description | 2 loose manuscript papers; mounted |
Document Image | 

Level | Item |
Credit | All rights reserved |