Collection | Clayton Papers |
Reference | GEO/ADD/28/080; GEO/ADD/28/038 |
Title | Letter [in French] from the Princess of Wales to Mrs. Clayton [GEO/ADD/28/080], reporting the Prince's request that Mrs Clayton write to the Princess tomorrow morning about the £20,000, 'how & upon what head it can be stopt [sic]', suggesting that she send her letter 'by my son's nurse', who sometimes visits Geminghen, and noting that the Princess's children had reported that Mrs Clayton is looking very well; with transcription in French and English translation [GEO/ADD/28/038]. |
Date | n.d. [later pencil notes suggest between 13 November 1717 and 17 February 1718, or early 1718] |
Writer | Caroline, Princess of Wales (1683-1737) |
Addressee | Clayton, Charlotte, Mrs William |
Notes | The original letter is GEO/ADD/28/080. The French transcription and English translation are on two halves of GEO/ADD/28/038. Both documents bear the circled number '9', which shows the order in which the original letter was bound. Mrs Clayton has added two notes:- 'a. There was an attempt to take 20000£ from the Prince which Mr Clayton refus'd to set his hand to' 'b. Prince George was then alive, his Nurse had been Mrs Claytons [sic] servant' From these, the proposed dates have been suggested, 13 November 1717 - 17 February 1718 being the lifespan of Prince George, and early 1718 being when the Princess of Wales had been forced to leave her children, and a Bill had been introduced giving the King control over the Prince of Wales's income. |
Language | French; English |
Extent | 2 documents (2 pages) |
Physical Description | 2 loose manuscript papers; mounted |
Document Image | 

Level | Item |
Credit | All rights reserved |