Collection | Clayton Papers |
Reference | GEO/ADD/28/121; GEO/ADD/28/066 |
Title | Letter [in French] from Queen Caroline to Mrs. Clayton [GEO/ADD/28/121], reporting that the King had ordered her to ask Mr Clayton what was the correct procedure for when money was paid to the Great Wardrobe, asking her for this information immediately but commenting that if the Queen was to see either Mrs or Mr Clayton, that would cause suspicion; with transcription in French and English translation [GEO/ADD/28/066]. |
Date | [14 November 1729] |
Writer | Caroline, Queen (1683-1737) |
Addressee | Clayton, Charlotte, Mrs William |
Notes | The original letter is GEO/ADD/28/121. The French transcription and English translation are on two halves of GEO/ADD/28/066. Both documents bear the circled number '50', which shows the order in which the original letter was bound. There is no date on the original letter, but there is one written on the English translation. Mrs Clayton [presumably] has added notes on the French transcription that this was written 'when she was queen' [sic]; and 'when Queen' has also been written on the address label attached to GEO/ADD/28/121. A note has also been added to the French transcription by the word 'suspicion' that 'the queen [sic] means Sr Robert Walpole'. A further note has been added to the English translation, explaining that the King had been informed of the correct procedure, but 'would not give entire credit to it till He was informd it was soe [sic] by Mr Clayton'. |
Language | French; English |
Extent | 2 documents (2 pages) |
Physical Description | 3 loose manuscript papers; mounted, including address 'label' attached to GEO/ADD/28/121 |
Document Image | 

Level | Item |
Credit | All rights reserved |