Collection | De Budé Papers |
Reference | GEO/ADD/15/0510 |
Record Type | Correspondence |
Title | Letter from Frederick, Duke of York, to General Jacob de Budé asking him to order more wine, describing a boar hunt in which he recently took part, and reporting that Princess Charles is dangerously ill following the birth of her child. |
Date | 9 December 1785 |
Writer | York and Albany, Frederick, Duke of |
Addressee | Budé, Jacob de, General |
Description | The Duke writes that the roads are still too bad for him to travel to Lüneburg but that he will go there as soon as there is a thaw. He asks Budé to order more wine for him, for it goes so fast once one starts drinking in a good mood. He intends to acquire his own pack of hounds next year as those with which he has hunted lately have been very bad; he goes on to describe a lively boar hunt recently, when he was charged by an enormous boar with four-inch tusks. He adds a postscript concerning Princess Charles, who is dangerously ill after a long and painful labour. |
Language | French |
Extent | 1 document |
Physical Description | Loose manuscript paper; mounted |
Document Image | 
Level | Item |
Credit | Published with the kind permission of Mrs A.M. Brown |