Collection | De Budé Papers |
Reference | GEO/ADD/15/0590 |
Record Type | Correspondence |
Title | Letter from Frederick, Duke of York, to General Jacob de Budé from Semps, on the treacherous behaviour of the Austrians and the Prince of Coburg's decision to retreat towards Maastricht, obliging the Duke of retreat too; he plans to encamp between Anvers and Malines to give his troops a few days' rest. |
Date | 8 July 1794 |
Writer | York and Albany, Frederick, Duke of |
Addressee | Budé, Jacob de, General |
Language | French |
Extent | 1 document |
Physical Description | Loose manuscript paper, mounted |
Document Image | 
Level | Item |
Credit | Published with the kind permission of Mrs A.M. Brown |