Collection | De Budé Papers |
Reference | GEO/ADD/15/0747 |
Record Type | Correspondence |
Title | Letter (duplicate) from Rear-Adm. Lord Hood to General Jacob de Budé, sending thanks for one received and his wishes for de Budé's swift recovery from a fall while hunting, and remarking on the difficulties caused by disputes between Prince William and Capt. Napier and his feelings that, while considering Napier 'a man of honor' [sic], he was not a suitable companion for the Prince. |
Date | 8 February 1783 |
Writer | Hood, Samuel, Rear-Admiral Lord |
Addressee | Budé, Jacob de, General |
Description | De Budé's letter to Hood of 5 December enclosed a letter from Prince Frederick to Prince William. Marked 'Duplicate'; original missing. |
Language | English |
Extent | 1 document |
Physical Description | Loose manuscript paper; mounted |
Document Image | ![GEO_ADD_15_0747.pdf](GetMultimedia.ashx?db=Catalog&fname=GEO_ADD_15_0747.pdf&type=RecordThumbnail)
Level | Item |