Collection | Asian State Letters |
Reference | GEO/ADD/31/21a-d |
Record Type | Correspondence |
Title | Two edicts from Emperor Ch'ien-Lung [Qianlong] of China to George III, and two lists of gifts. |
Date | [?October 1793] |
Writer | Ch'ien Long [Qianlong], Emperor of China |
Addressee | George III, King |
Description | GEO/ADD/31/21a: first Edict from the Emperor to George III. GEO/ADD/31/21b: second Edict from the Emperor to George III. GEO/ADD/31/21c: list of gifts to various individuals (e.g. to the British Ambassador and those involved in the Macartney Mission), consisting of satin, cloth, tea and other items. GEO/ADD/31/21d: list of gifts to George III, consisting of various vessels of jade, porcelain and lacquer, etc., satin, tea, fans and other items.
[The Edicts are in three languages; the gift lists in two languages The first Edict was drafted on 3 August 1793.] |
Language | Mandarin Chinese |
Manchu |
Latin |
Extent | 4 rolls and 1 framed document |
Physical Description | Large manuscripts on orange gold-flecked paper and 1 rolling rod |
Document Image | 



Publications | See 'The Lion & the Dragon' by Aubrey Singer for translations of the two Edicts. |
Level | File |