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GIII_PRIV - George III's Private Papers
1 - George III's Private Papers: 'Miscellaneous and Undated'
1 - George III's private papers 1750-[?1779]
2 - George III's private papers 1761-1765
3 - Petition of Robert Wainwright
4 - George III's private papers 1766-1770
5 - George III's private papers 1771-1775
6 - George III's private papers 1776-1780
1 - Draft of a letter from George III to the Hereditary Prince of Brunswick
2 - 'List of Godfathers and Godmothers to the Royal Family to Princess Mary inclusive'
3 - Letter from George III to Lord Holderness
4 - Letter from Lord Holderness to George III
5 - Letter from Lord Holderness to George III
6 - Letter from George III to the Hereditary Prince of Hesse-Cassel
7 - Letter from Lord Holderness to George III
8 - Letter from Lord Holderness to George III
9 - Letter from George III to Lord Holderness
10 - Letter from Lord Holderness to George III
11 - Letter from George III to Lord Holderness
12 - Draft of Letter from George III to Lord Bruce
13 - Draft of letter from George III to Lord Bruce
14 - Letter from Lord Bruce to George III
15 - Draft of letter from George III to Lord North
16 - Letter from George III to Lord North
17 - Draft of letter from George III to Lord Bruce
18 - Letter from Lord Bruce to George III
19 - Letter from Lord North to George III
20 - Draft of a letter from George III to Lord North
21 - Letter from George III to Lord North
22 - Draft from George III to Lord Bruce
23 - Letter from Lord Bruce to George III
24 - Letter from Sir Charles Thompson to Lord Bruce
25 - Draft of a letter from George III to Lord Bruce
26 - Draft of letter from George III to Lord North
27 - Draft of letter from George III the Bishop of Lichfield
28 - Draft of a letter from George III to Sir Charles Thompson
29 - Draft from George III to the Earl of Suffolk
30 - Draft of a letter from George III to the Duke of Montagu
31 - Letter from George III to the Duke of Montagu
32 - Letter from Sir Charles Thompson to Lord Bruce
33 - Draft of a letter from George III to Sir Charles Thompson
34 - Letter from Sir Charles Thompson to George III
35 - Letter from Lord North to George III
36 - Draft of a letter from George III to Lord North
37 - Draft of a letter from George III to Lord Ailesbury
38 - Letter from George III to the Duke of Montagu
39 - Letter from George III to Lord Ailesbury
40 - Draft of a letter from George III to the Duke of Montagu
41 - Letter from Leonard Smelt to the Duke of Montagu
42 - Letter from Lord Ailesbury to George III
43 - Letter from Leonard Smelt to George III
44 - Letter from Leonard Smelt to George III
45 - Letter from Leonard Smelt to George III
46 - Letter from Leonard Smelt to George III
47 - Letter from Leonard Smelt to George III
48 - Letter from Charles Jean de Salgas to George III
49 - Letter from Leonard Smelt to George III
50 - Letter from Leonard Smelt to George III
51 - Letter from George III to the Hereditary Prince of Brunswick
52 - Letter from George III to the Hereditary Princess of Brunswick
53 - 'Distribution of Time for their Royal Highnesses as settled by His Grace the Duke of Montagu for the Winter'
54 - Letter from Leonard Smelt to George III
55 - Letter from George III to [?Landgrave of Hesse-Cassel]
56 - Letter from Leonard Smelt to George III
57 - Letter from Charles Jean de Salgas to George III
58 - Letter from Leonard Smelt to George III
59 - Letter from Leonard Smelt to George III
60 - Letter from Leonard Smelt to George III
61 - Letter from Sir Charles Thompson to George III
62 - Letter from Leonard Smelt to George III
63 - Letter from Leonard Smelt to George III
64 - Letter from Leonard Smelt to George III
65 - Letter from Leonard Smelt to George III
66 - Letter from Leonard Smelt to George III
67 - Letter from Leonard Smelt to George III
68 - Letter from Charles Jean de Salgas to George III
69 - Letter from Charles Jean de Salgas to George III
70 - Letter from Charles Jean de Salgas to George III
71 - Letter from Leonard Smelt to George III
72 - Letter from Rear Admiral Robert Digby to George III
73 - List of materials needed for Prince William's time at sea
74 - Letter from Leonard Smelt to George III
75 - Letter from Rear Admiral Robert Digby to George III
76 - Letter from Sir Samuel Hood to George III
77 - List of materials needed for Prince William's time at sea.
78 - George III's copy of list of required articles for Prince William
79 - Letter from Charles Jean de Salgas to George III
80 - Letter from Sir Samuel Hood to George III
81 - Letter from Charles Jean de Salgas to George III
82 - Letter from Charles Jean de Salgas to George III
83 - George III memorandum concerning Prince William's entry into the Navy
84 - Letter from George III to Rear Admiral Robert Digby
85 - Letter from George III to General de Budé
86 - Letter from George III to Prince William
87 - Letter from De Budé to George III
88 - Letter from de Budé to George III
89 - Letter from George III to Admiral Digby
90 - Letter from General de Budé to George III
91 - Letter from Sir Samuel Hood to George III
92 - Letter from Admiral Digby to George III
93 - Letter from Admiral Digby to George III
94 - Copy of answer to the Duke of Gloucester
95 - Letter from Admiral Digby to George III
96 - Letter from Admiral Digby to George III
97 - Letter from George III to Prince William
98 - Letter from George III to Admiral Digby
99 - Letter from Admiral Digby to George III
100 - Letter from Admiral Digby to George III
101 - Letter from Admiral Digby to George III
102 - Draft of a letter from George III to Admiral Digby
103 - Draft from George III to Prince William
104 - Letter from Admiral Digby to George III
105 - Letter from Admiral Digby to George III
106 - Letter from Admiral Digby to George III
107 - Letter from Admiral Digby to George III
108 - Letter from de Budé to George III
109 - Calculation of Prince Edward's 'table' expenses
110 - Draft of a letter from George III to the Duke of Gloucester
111 - Draft of a letter from George III to the Duke of Cumberland
112 - Letter from Admiral Digby to George III
113 - Letter from Rear Admiral Robert Digby to George III
114 - Letter from George III to the Duke of Cumberland
115 - Letter from George III to the Duke of Cumberland
116 - Letter from Rear Admiral Robert Digby to George III
117 - Letter from George III to the Countess Dowager of Effingham
118 - Letter from Admiral Digby to George III
119 - Accounts of births of George III's children, August 1762 and September 1763
120 - Accounts of births of George III's children, August 1765
121 - Accounts of births of George III's children, September 1766, November 1768, May 1770
122 - Accounts of births of George III's children, 27th January 1773
123 - Accounts of the births of George III's children, 24 February 1774 - 7 August 1783
124 - Letter from A. Robinson
125 - Letter from Admiral Digby to George III
126 - Letter from Reverend Archibald Maclaine to Major General Budé
127 - Letter from George III to Lord North
128 - List of the Prince of Wales' household
129 - Draft of a letter from George III to Colonel Richard Grenville
130 - Draft of letter from George III to Prince Frederick
131 - Letter from Colonel Grenville to George III
7 - George III's private papers 1781-1782
8 - George III's private papers 1788-1820
9 - Copy letter book concerning the finances and debts of the Prince of Wales and correspondence between George III and the Prince of Wales
10 - George III's private papers 1783-1785
11 - George III's private papers 1786-1790
12 - George III's private papers 1791-1795
13 - George III's private papers 1796-1800
14 - George III's private papers 1801-1805
15 - George III's private papers 1806-1810
2 - Papers relating to George III's will
3 - Correspondence concerning the Berkeley Peerage
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